Monday, August 23, 2010

You can have this chair for the "affordable" price of one arm and one leg.

So in an effort to get used to writing again I’ve decided that as much as possible I’m going to post daily on this thing. Even if it’s short and mundane. Even if I don’t feel like. The one thing I’ve always felt I’ve lacked as a writer is a solid idea of a voice, as well as decent grasp of grammar and an ability to locate misspellings. So this is an attempt to hopefully developed one, as well as fulfill the whole narcissist urge to yell, “Look at me! Look at me! I have something important to say.” It’s really awkward when you do that in public, people stare at you funny.

So that all being said, today was an excellent Monday. I am wiped the hell out. I spent it furniture shopping with a close friend and for the first time in ages I left what I have deemed “The People’s Republic of Atlanta.” I normally live my life and work in an area of Atlanta that seems to run on a slightly different track than the rest of the city. It’s different enough that anytime I wander over to Peachtree Street and into Buckhead or the Westside, I feel that I have wandered into an alternate city. It’s odd for me to think of an Atlanta where cyclists, tattooed freaks and skinny white dudes who dress like my little brother are not normal. But that is what’s normal.

Any way we hit up the garage sale at City Hall East and found a lot of crappy office furniture. Unfortunately anything we liked was already sold so we contented ourselves with being allowed to wander around part of City Hall East with out getting arrested. For any non-Atlantans City Hall East is a truly massive structure located down on Ponce. It has been abandoned for as long as I lived here, and the city somehow managed to sell it and now has to vacate. The thing that makes this place truly awesome is the fact that it was, from the 20s to the 70s, the Sears catalog distribution center for the Southeast. Its industrial architecture from before it came to be soulless and dead. It’s fabulous and it makes me happy that it’s not getting torn down but made into something else. I know there will be housing but the space is just too massive to turn it all into apartments. I’m curious to see what gets put in there.

The customary visit to Ikea was paid to look for shelving and I of course got lost in my Ikea fog. I enjoy Ikea, and for whatever reason it is one of the few safe public spaces for me to allow my ADD to go and wander. And on a Monday I don’t have to worry about hitting people. It was great. I wonder if they’ll ever dig up an intact Ikea one day in the distant future and assume that it was some kind of massive public housing project or that we some how lived in the display rooms. Any way it was a fun thought to ponder as we wandered around trying to find utility shelving. Which is the lasting thing you see before you hit the warehouse section. Unfortunately none of it worked. Where the height was fine the depth was to shallow and etc. Coming out of an Ikea fog to try and figure out what the real dimensions of an object are is a difficult thing to do.
We laughed and headed out.

We met up with another friend for awesome burgers and more girl time. It was so nice to have a girl’s day. We wandered over to this store on the Westside to look at more furniture. Ikea it was not. Most of the chairs a. looked like they wandered off the set of Mad Men (and not in a bad way) and b. cost more than my monthly rent (and I live in a relatively nice area). And on their sign it said they believed that good design should be “affordable”. Last time I checked an affordable chair is not the average rent on an apartment in the city you are located in. Once I got over the prices (every thing was waaaaaaaay too expensive) I enjoyed what we were really doing there. Looking for ideas. My friend has been working on redecorating her space and I’m around to give my opinion. My opinion, we needed to hit estate sales about a decade ago, I swear I saw my grandma’s couch for the bargain basement price of a used car. Still I saw some kick ass shelving that I liked, and I am reasonably sure I can make it, or eventually go over the Container Store and pick it up for a tenth of the price.

We continued onward and upward to a store that has now beaten out my beloved Ikea for Chris’ favorite furniture store in Atlanta. CB2. It is a Crate and Barrel modernist spin-off and while it was much more reasonable than the afore mentioned furniture store it was sadly out of my price range (which lives in the Goodwill and shit I find on the street category). I still drooled over several items and laughed at several others and figured out how to make several others. Muahahah my Ma’s genes never stay dormant. Still, I loved the modern feel and blend of styles which is rare. Normally I hate a good 40% of the stuff I see in furniture stores. I’ve got odd taste. Ask my Ma, she’s helped me decorate several places and is very aware of how f-ing picky I am.

After that I got home with a renewed plan to keep my space cleaner. I managed to clean off my desk (an awesome off the street find, thank you) which is a far scarier task than one might imagine. It has been holding space non personal and non urgent mail for the past, oh, forever… Still for the first time in geological era I am writing at my desk, and as I am a cheap ass in a small space, it is also the first time in ages I’ve eaten dinner on it as well. So all in all I feel very accomplished. So now to watch crappy TV (hello True Blood how are you??) and to return to my regularly scheduled programming of coffee. Till Tomorrow- C.

PS Does anyone know how to kill a cricket that has decided to take up residence in your wall??

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